Transport Park&Ride car park locations
Transport Park&Ride provides up to 18 hours free parking each day. Customers are eligible to free parking by completing a public transport journey by tapping on and off... -
NSW Bus Routes
The spatial datasets for NSW Bus Routes and includes contracted Greater Sydney Metro and Outer Metro bus routes along with rural and regional contracted bus services. The... -
Sydney Spring Cycle 2017 - Road Closures
This dataset details the road closures for the Sydney Spring Cycle 2017 on the 15th October 2017 -
Sculpture by the Sea - Road Closures
This dataset details the road closures for Sculpture by the Sea (Thursday 19 October to Sunday 5 November) -
Travel Zones 2016
Travel Zones (TZs) are the spatial unit of geography defined by Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA), a business unit within Transport for NSW (TfNSW). The TZ spatial layer... -
Off-Street Parking
Parking spaces that are available for service and delivery drivers in Sydney’s CBD (at commercial rates). Returns ZIP file containing GeoJSON and CSV files. -
NSW level crossings on public roads
This dataset encompasses all railway level crossings on public roads in New South Wales that are currently documented in the Australian Level Crossing Assessment Model (ALCAM)... -
EV Charging Locations
As Electric Vehicles (EVs) become more prevalent, it's essential that EV charging infrastructure quality and accessibility evolves. Our aim is to enhance the driving experience... -
Digital Equity and Inclusion in Western Parkland City
The Western Parkland City Digital Equity and Inclusion project shows the localised findings of targeted research aimed at benchmarking digital inclusion across the Western... -
Metro / Outer Metro Bus Contract boundaries
Greater Sydney Metropolitan and Outer Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts Boundaries. Bus Service Contracts are contracts issued by the Government of New South Wales to...