Live Traffic Cameras
Image URL, GPS coordinates, and view description of traffic cameras in GeoJSON format -
Live Traffic Site Status
Current status of the Live Traffic NSW website in JSON format -
TfNSW Trip Planning Widget
The official Transport for NSW trip planning widget is available to display on your own website. Your customers can plan their own trip and be directed to transportnsw.info. To... -
Data on the speeding fines by the offender’s postcode
GIPA request: "The number and value of speeding fines issued by fixed digital speed cameras and by NSW Police, according to the offender’s postcode, for calendar years 2014 and... -
Intercity Trains Short Platforms
Some Intercity trains may be longer than the platform at their destination. This dataset has detailed information on the Cars (carriages) that customers can alight from at... -
Night Ride Services statistics from 1 Jan 2017 to 31 Dec 2019
Night Ride Services statistics from 1 Jan 2017 to 31 Dec 2019 released under the formal NSW Government Information Public Access (GIPA) Act 2009. For the latest information... -
Patronage of Hillsbus Services before and after the opening of the Sydney Metro
Patronage of Hillsbus Services before and after the opening of the Sydney Metro, released under the formal NSW Government Information Public Access (GIPA) Act 2009. The resource... -
Station CAD Drawings (M - O)
This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names M - O. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station.... -
Station CAD Drawings (H - L)
This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names H - L. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station.... -
Station CAD Drawings (D - G)
This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names D - G. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station....