TfNSW Passenger travel performance reports
This dataset captures the following public transport performance reports. Each resource is displayed as an interactive chart with filter options. The TfNSW passenger travel... -
Expired marine flare disposal
The Expired Marine Flares Collection Program for the 2020-2021 boating season started on 20 November 2020 and runs to 18 April 2021 at 46 locations along the coast from Tweed... -
Private Moorings
Private mooring licences are only issued to individuals. They’re not issued to a partnership, company, organisation or association. A private mooring licence permits you to moor... -
City of Sydney Bus shelters
This data is provided by the City of Sydney and provides bus shelter locations. There are 40 public bus shelters controlled by the City of Sydney. The API provides data in... -
Journey to Work (JTW) 2006
This dataset contains a snapshot of commuting patterns for Census day 2006 (Tuesday 8th August). It is a complete enumeration via a self-completion Census form. The scope of... -
Journey to Work (JTW) 2011
This dataset contains a snapshot of commuting patterns for Census day 2011 (Tuesday 9th August). It is a complete enumeration via a self-completion Census form. The scope of... -
Travel Zones 2001
Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA) has a range of location information products which include digitised boundaries. Travel Zones (TZs) are the geographic units of TPA’s... -
Opal Tap On and Tap Off Release 2
This dataset provides counts of tap ons and tap offs made on the Opal ticketing system during two non-consecutive weeks in 2016. The Opal tap on and tap off dataset contains six... -
Opal Tap On and Tap Off
This dataset provides counts of tap ons and tap offs made on the Opal ticketing system during two non-consecutive weeks in 2016. The Opal tap on and tap off dataset contains six... -
Rollout of Contactless Payments on Bus Services
Contactless transport payments were rolled out in 2019 to all Opal-enabled buses. If you tap with your credit or debit card you now receive the same fare and travel benefits of...