Cycling Propensity
This dataset contains the propensity index for cycling across different areas. It also contains the report that examines spatial relationship between areas with high propensity... -
Bus Lanes
Bus lanes are sign-posted or marked as bus lanes. They are provided primarily for buses, but can also be used by: * Taxis * Hire cars (but not rental cars) * Motorcycles and... -
Regional Day Return Indicator
The Regional Day Return indicator is a measure of regional centre connectivity under the Future Transport Strategy. It aims to provide new connections for regional communities... -
Thirty Minute City and Metro Strategic Centre Catchments
Thirty Minute City and Metro Strategic Centre Catchments is a foundation of the Future Transport Strategy. Thirty Minute City establishes a metropolitan transport network which... -
Waverley Council Data
The dataset is provided in good faith by Waverley Council in an effort to promote a range of mobility options for visitors to the Waverley Local Government Area. There are a... -
Peak Trains Load Survey - March 2016
This dataset provides estimates of train loads during the AM and PM peak periods - derived from a survey held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1 March 2016 to 17 March... -
NSW Transit Lanes
Transit lanes can be used by vehicles containing a certain number of people. Public buses and minibuses, taxis, hire cars with HC number plates, motorcycles and bicycles, as... -
Passive Surveillance Index
This dataset includes the final Technical Note and accompanying GIS datasets delivered by Cardno and UNSW for their proof-of-concept Passive Surveillance Index (PSI) trial in... -
PTAL (Public Transport Accessibility Level)
PTAL is a measure of connectivity by public transport, which has been used in various planning processes for many years. For any selected place, PTAL suggests how well the place... -
Sydney Cycling Survey
The information featured here include data from the 2012 Sydney Cycling Survey (SCS). The SCS surveys over 11,000 individuals from 4,000 households. It collects information...